Have you been invited by your fashionista friend to her baby gender reveal party? If it’s your first time to be invited to such event, you might not know what to do. What to expect at a baby gender reveal party? What items will be given out at a baby gender party? Will there be games, will there be gifts, or will it just be you and your friends sharing sweet messages? These might be just some of the questions in your mind right now.
What you will probably find at a baby gender reveal party is that there will be a lot of gifts given out. You might know what to give your fashionista friend but at a gender reveal party, you’re giving gifts for her upcoming baby. It’s important to choose a gift that she’s going to need as she welcomes her baby. Everyone will be giving gifts to her as well. This is one of the most exciting parts in the party, next to the moment the baby’s gender will be revealed.
What Items To Give?
So, a close friend of yours will be having a baby gender reveal party, and you’re invited. What will you be giving away?
You are not alone. Many people actually want to know what gifts to give the expecting parents at a gender reveal party. The great thing nowadays is, it’s easier than ever before for you to find out what gifts to expect at baby gender reveal party you may want to throw. Thinking of what gift to bring to this type of party would be among the first things to think about.
It’s important that the little gifts that the expecting parents receive show that they were thought about. This way the parents will fondly look back to that day of the gender reveal party and would even share stories to their bundle of joy as they grow older, along with pictures to show.
Stuffed Animals
One of the most popular baby gift at gender reveal parties are stuffed animals. There’s a reason these items are oftentimes included when you buy unisex nappy cake online, a popular way of gifting for babies. Who doesn’t love these cute plushie toys, especially when the baby arrives? Every parent would have pictures taken of their baby beside these stuffed animals and growing up, the little one would be toting these toys around as their first best friends.
There are many different types of stuffed animals that can be personalised for either gender of the child. It might be a soft and cuddly teddy bear with the name of the child printed on the belly or it might be some other animal such as a giraffe that comes in either bright or neutral colours.
Unisex Baby Clothes
Image Source: Unsplash
Also included in nappy cakes are baby garments. While a cute little pink dress may have caught your attention, it may not be the best thing to give during baby gender reveal parties. Instead, you can go for some of those baby-related monogrammed t-shirts, newborn body suits, and socks, among others. Make sure they’re all in neutral colours, though.
Other Small Items
When you haven’t yet known the gender of the baby, and would want to give something the baby could really use, you may want to go for those gender-neutral items. It can be a baby book or CD, pillows, little blankets, diaper bags, and even burp cloths.
A Gift For The New Mum & Dad
It will always be a great idea to not forget about the expecting couple. When you’re quite hesitant on picking out a baby gift, think of the parents instead. The new parents would adore anything that can make raising the baby easier on their part. They would also be pleased to get matching items such as mugs, with prints declaring them as the coolest new mum and dad. These usable gifts can last for years and would continue to remind them of one of the happiest days of their lives.
Most gender baring parties are designed to have a lot of fun and even quite competitive kiddie games for the guests. One of these is pinning the tail of the baby on the donkey. As one of the guests, what gift is right for the occasion will depend on the new parents’ preferences and even on your closeness to them, and what sort of gifts you think the baby will enjoy most!