8 Basic Equipments for a Professional Coffee Shop

When you own and operate a professional coffee shop, there are a few essential pieces of equipment you’ll need to get started. Below is a list of what we believe are the eight most important items for any ร้าน cafe. Note that not all of these items will be necessary for every shop, but they’re all essential for those looking to provide the best possible experience for their customers.

1. Coffee Maker

There’s no denying it: coffee is one of the main draws of a coffee shop. So it’s important to have a good machine that can consistently produce great cups of joe. A popular option is the drip brewer, which allows you to customize your brews according to your preferences.

2. Espresso Machine

If you’re going to be serving espresso-based drinks, you’ll need an espresso machine. You can find it ขาย อุปกรณ์ ทํา กาแฟ shop. These machines are typically quite expensive, but they produce some of the best drinks on the market. Plus, they look really cool in a coffee shop.

3. Milk Frother

A milk frother is essential for making foam-style drinks such as cappuccinos and lattes. Not only does it make these drinks look really nice, but it also helps to create a more luxurious drinking experience.

4. Coffee Tables and Chairs

It’s important to have enough seating for your customers. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least six seats per hour of operation. In addition, provide plenty of coffee tables and comfortable chairs for people to sit in while they drink their coffee.

Equipments coffee shop

5. Jars of Condiments and Spices

You’ll need to have jars of condiments and spices available so that your customers can customize their drinks according to their preferences. This will give them more flexibility in what they can order, and it will also make the drink more enjoyable.

6. Creamer whipping Cream

A good coffee shop should always have supplies of cream and whipping cream available so that customers can make their drinks as smooth or as thick as they desire. Plus, it just looks really nice to have a big part of cream waiting for people when they enter the shop

7. Sugar

You’ll need sugar for your coffee drinks, just like you would with any other type of beverage. In fact, many coffee shops recommend using slightly more sugar than normal when brewing coffee because of the added flavorings that are used in these drinks.

8. Bags of Coffee Beans

Last but not least, you’ll need bags of coffee beans to make your own cups of joe at home. This is because coffee beans are one of the main ingredients that give a coffee shop its unique flavor.

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